02 9231 3377

Acupuncture Sydney CBD/City

Call us now on 02 9231 3377

Conveniently located on Level 10,
The Dymocks Building,
428 George Street, Sydney CBD.


Psoriasis Acupuncture

Psoriasis is a skin condition which is caused by inflammation. The skin visually appears as being red, flaky and crusty with silvery scales. It can easily fall of the body leaving a red translucent film of skin which may have spot bleeding. Psoriasis most commonly appears in small patches on the scalp, face, lower back, elbows, knees, armpit and groin region. But it can appear on any part of the body and may not necessarily be itchy. Psoriasis has a tendency to be worse during the winter months.

According to western medicine, there is no known cause for psoriasis but it can be controlled with treatment. Medical doctors have been known to use a range of treatments. These include: medications, ultraviolet light therapy as well as topical creams and preparations.

Chinese Medicine is an energetic medicine and it consequently has a different take on psoriasis. Compared to medicine science, its diagnostic theory suggests the different causes of psoriasis. The Taoist principal on which Chinese Medicine is based leads it to have more poetic take on the human body. Bodily functions are explained via an analogy of nature. Consequently, the energetic causes of psoriasis are said to: blood heat; damp heat; blood deficiency with wind; as well as fire and toxins.